A film about an embassy of bygone times - a clothes menders in Nõmme which remains in business despite an onslaught of fast fashion.
“Family Lies” by Valentin Kuik and Manfred Vainokivi is a relationship drama about elephants in the bedroom and skeletons in the closet, about small and big deceptions, half-truths and set-ups that can be found in every family’s secret chronicles.
Tipuana, a five year-old girl, experiences the limbo as she tries to pass to ‘the other side’ after the recent death of her beloved father.
Tragicomical short film directed by Lauri Randla about pathologist Alexei Abrikosov who embalmed Lenin's body and gained victory over death.
Little Elizabeth is traveling around in a miraculous world of ballet.
Love can strike you like a bolt from the blue – when you’re least prepared for it.
Filmmaker Manfred Vainokivi portrays physics teacher Mart Kuurme teaches physics and astronomy to children in Africa.
Fairytale full of light, magic and nostalgia.
If the world is blind, Allan isn’t. Allan is a man in at the age of Christ. His life is colorful. He likes cinema, cars and sports.
Portrait documentary directed by Heini Drui about Raivo Hein, a successful internet businessman, astrophotographer, adventurer and traveler.
The documentary introduces writer Arvo Valton and meetings with him in 2008-2014.
Jaak Kilmi and Aleksandr Heifets portray seemingly random group of people who for some or another reason stand, sit or lie down while waiting in a shop queue.
People of Kihnu island fifty years ago and in the year of 2014.
The owner of a small dairy farm holds old-fashion cow keeping in esteem and goes to sell milk himself.
Leida Rammo, Estonian oldest performing actress, believes in miracles and passionately fights for the new building of Tallinn City Theatre.
Director Vahur Laiapea follows the birth of dance performance "Plexus" with the following participants: a stage director, two professional dancers and a young bling woman.
The film introduces the daily activities and creative work of the last year in artist Jaan Paavle's life, including his beliefs, attitudes and contradictions with the society.
Documentary about alcohol and sales restriction related to it. Some witty young men attempt to outtrick the restriction.
A miller lives in a watermill, baking bread every day and raising ducklings he is hoping to set free one day. But in the field next to his home, hunters come to shoot birds.
Documentary about Father Jevgeni and the people around him in Pechory, Russia.
Documentary by Peeter Brambat about architect Toomas Rein.
Documentary by Rein Raamat about Jaan Vares, acknowledged Estonian sculptor and a long-time rector of the Estonian Academy of Arts.
The documentary introduces wedding traditions and rites in Kihnu island, Estonia.
Engagement according to the traditions and customs of Kihnu island, Estonia. The documentary introduces the engagement rites in their most natural environment.
Documentary about Igor Tõnurist, activist of Estonian folklore movement.
Galina Grossmann is an exceptional woman who paints Jesus, composes an opera about Jesus and performs the musical work with the influences of Estonian folklore to the residents of a retirement home.
Missikonkursil Miss Vaimukad 2007 asuvad võistlustulle vaimupuudega neiud-naised, omamoodi ilusad ja õnnelikud inimesed.
There is a mortally wounded young soldier in a crater and a bunch of hungry rats from the battlefield try to find an answer to the question "Who is Lily Marleen?".
The Klamath River of Oregon and California is one of the most important salmon runs in the United States.
A small town is gripped with excitement in anticipation of the annual marathon. Instead of the starting shot, a bomb explodes.
The documentary was finished before the presidential election in 2007; it opposes the speeches and interviews held by Arnold Rüütel during the Soviet era with the ones held during the period of Estonia regaining its independence.
Young people with intellectual disability perform both real and imaginary situations in their psychodrama group.
Rein Mikke, born as an Estonian citizen, was adopted by Russian parents in 1950s. Now he is trying to overcome bureaucratic obstacles and restore his Estonian citizenship and related rights.
Eurobus is driving around Estonia with people on board who give information about the European Union.