In two years she changed from a Playboy cover model into a child of nature.
Two lonely young people are travelling together in the bleak Patagonian desert, searching for themselves and one another.
Missikonkursil Miss Vaimukad 2007 asuvad võistlustulle vaimupuudega neiud-naised, omamoodi ilusad ja õnnelikud inimesed.
Portrait documentary by Mark Soosaar about singer Siiri Sisask.
Ida, Natasha, Larissa and Fyodor Vassilyevich are family members who have a tight relationship that is precious and sacred to them but also limiting, challenging and obstructing. Meeting Ida and her family over the span of three years, the director achieved an amazing intimacy.
A story about a very brave and positive woman fighting cancer.
Urbanized youth is searching for his soul – his vital force.
Documentary directed by Märt Müür about his family, deportation and meetings with people with similar destinies.
Celebration of the Mothers' Day at the St. Michael's Church, Uppsala on May 8, 1988. Performance by clarinetist Ilmar Olesk. Speech in the congregation house by Virve Aruoja.
Writer Raimond Kaugver and his wife Aave reading their poems in Askvägen, Uppsala on June 18, 1988.
Poet Kalju Lepik reads his poetry in a summer cottage in the island of Väddö, Havsskogen on July 2, 1988.
Aino and Alvi's wedding party. Young Estonians sing to the bride and groom.
A story of two toys – a doll and a goose, who quit the shop at a Christmas night and begin their journey to them whom they are determined to – children.
The life and work of naivist artist Jaan Oad who was born in Kihnu island and now lives in Canada.
Kaie Kõrb as a starring ballerina in the ballet "Swan Lake". Rehearsals.
Georg Ots and his opera roles.
Documentary about the jubilee song celebration held in 1969.