A primal and oneiric documentary about nature and creativity.
On the night before Christmas a warehouse of disparate workers process newspapers for delivery before heading out into the city to trace the desolate streets to their few and far between customers.
An ode to a faded jewel in the heart of the Estonian capital – Tallinn Hippodrome. Once a majestic racecourse track, all that is left is a lonely horse stable. Today it has become a social club for bizarre parties, engagement photo sessions and a home for young girls and old men taking care of the remaining racehorses.
A Mother and daughter, searching for an answer to what could be the fuel for life in a small country Estonia. One of them grows Nettle, the other one is a famous youtuber.
The short film tells the story of a group of young people who have gone to the country to guard their grandmother's home for the weekend, but no one can predict what will happen at night.
When love has become revenge and a little child has left in the middle of it. When love has become revenge and a little child has left in the middle of it.
The Bitch is a tragicomic story of a lost girl, three rural brothers and their dog.
When truth goes missing, lies start to grow, leaving no room for miracles to be born. An ode to the post-truth world. A short film directed by Kaspar Ainelo about a lost dog, a crime and victims.
The angel will guide us.
Born to march to the rhythms of the power, they follow the promise of immortality. The film looks at the making of a Russian citizen from a fresh angle.
Retired top lawyer Monika Mägi and Steven-Hristo Evestus, who is at the peak of his prosecuting career will argue.
The short film by film student Janeli Pelska is about coping with change and accepting the new self.
We all come from our childhood.
Young startup entrepreneur Õie and a serial failure Tõnu follow their crazy ride from Estonia all the way to Silicon Valley — and back.
A documentary film about a composer Tõnu Kõrvits, his music and the people who are deeply touched by his music.
Shades, breaths, whispers, hunches, mystery - they are all fading away. Everything else seems more important.
Adapt or run!
This documentary tells the story of two men, Rain and Andres who are constantly on the search of self fulfilment and happiness. On their searches they have gone through many experiences which allows them to make others happy as well.The phrase giving is better than receiving was made for personalizing them.
Miriam and her family are building a snowman. There is a stray dog watching them to do it and who definitely likes the snowman very much.
Documentary about alcohol and sales restriction related to it. Some witty young men attempt to outtrick the restriction.
Two enthusiastic Estonians try to become grape farmers while adjusting the grape plants to the local Northern climate and developing the vineyard culture.
Portrait about Nadezhda, a street musician and a mother of nine, whose songs are full of love.
A young woman becomes a school teacher and discovers life in a small island of Ruhnu.
The documentary introduces wedding traditions and rites in Kihnu island, Estonia.
Engagement according to the traditions and customs of Kihnu island, Estonia. The documentary introduces the engagement rites in their most natural environment.
Maiju Ingman's drama about loneliness, love, childhood memories and vanishing village life.
Missikonkursil Miss Vaimukad 2007 asuvad võistlustulle vaimupuudega neiud-naised, omamoodi ilusad ja õnnelikud inimesed.
Belarusian director Juri Hashtshevatski's documentary about the presidential elections in Belarus in 2006, the resistance by opposition and dictator Lukashenko's dirty tricks.
Documentary about the original world of Tanel Koppen, a man from Viru county, Estonia.
The road film for young audiences is the graduation thesis by Maiju Ingman (Tallinn University), telling the story of Aleksander, a young man graduating from the high school, of his weltschmerz and his self-discovery.
The drama directed by Jüri Sillart is based on the play "The moment of truth" by Hans Luik, telling about the generation of people whose Jüri Sillarti draama Hans Luige näidendi „Tõe hetk“ ainetel inimestest, kelle noorus lõpeb 2000ndate Eestis võitjate või kaotajatena.
Two veterans of Afghanistan War return to the military territories where they once fought. When they were twenty years old, they were sent to fight abroad where it was impossible to exit as a winner.
Eurobus is driving around Estonia with people on board who give information about the European Union.
22-year-old Raini suffers from inborn skin disorder called ichthyosis. He tries to cope with the disease and also help people with similar skin condition.
Ute Wohlrab is a fragile German woman living in Valga county, Estonia, who wants to save the Old-Tori horse, an endangered species originated from Estonia.
Rein Mikke, born as an Estonian citizen, was adopted by Russian parents in 1950s. Now he is trying to overcome bureaucratic obstacles and restore his Estonian citizenship and related rights.
Documentary about Andrus Purje, inspector of Harju County, whose everyday work offers little food for the soul.