What does a hundred-year old film strip see before it gives way to digital vehicles?
The documentary introduces wedding traditions and rites in Kihnu island, Estonia.
Sometimes it is hard to make a difference who makes a better hunter - the one who takes from nature or who takes care of nature and animals.
Nostalgic newsreel documentary about Haapsalu.
Poetic documentary directed by Rein Maran about Estonian nature, history and the present day.
Popular tourist cities in Morocco - Agadir and Marrakesh.
World Freedom Day is celebrated in Taiwan at the end of January.
Panorama film by Semyon Shkolnikov about Tallinn, seen from a helicopter.
Newsreel about the old zoo of Tallinn.
In Gotska Sandön and Utö islands in Stockholm Archipelago.
10th Conference of International Anti-Communist League (WACL) in Taipei City in April 1977. The delegates are taken around to see Taiwan.
Emotional newsreel documentary about Raekoja Square in Tallinn.
Documentary directed by Peep Puks about the young yachtsmen practising Optimist dinghy sailing and acquiring experience with courage and joy in the Bay of Tallinn.
A trip on board of an engined sail boat in the archipelago of Aland and Turku, Finland, in the summer of 1976.
The Jubileun Song Festival is shown as the sopurce of creativity that influences on creation of a painting.
Documentary about the island of Osmussaare in the present day, recollections about the battles of 1941.
8th Conference of the World Anti-Communist League, life in Rio de Janerio, a city by ocean.
Moments of the trips to Lisbon, the capital of Portugal, and its surroundings; to the old town of Strasbourg and the event by the European Union held in Paris.
Sailing trip from Marstrand to Nynäshamn along the coast of Sweden and Denmark.