A boy accidentally turns himself into a car tire.
Confirmed barchelor Einar Jernskjegg wins the lottery.
Toomas, an exemplary office worker, has to support his family after losing his job, without telling his wife that he also works as a gigolo.
Two special agents are tasked with protecting the computer programme that runs a future metropolis. However, the ‘Soviet Union’ virus soon starts wreaking havoc. A delirious ride!
At the end of the world there is a cafe where we all once will meet. The documentary tells a story of a person, the system that surrounds him and communication between these two parameters.
Director Arbo Tammiksaar together with his family moved to live in a Vissarions' village in Siberia for a year, in order to follow the daily life of the religious community.
Jaak Kilmi and Aleksandr Heifets portray seemingly random group of people who for some or another reason stand, sit or lie down while waiting in a shop queue.
Director Vahur Laiapea follows the birth of dance performance "Plexus" with the following participants: a stage director, two professional dancers and a young bling woman.
Portrait about Nadezhda, a street musician and a mother of nine, whose songs are full of love.
A young woman becomes a school teacher and discovers life in a small island of Ruhnu.
Documentary directed by Vahur Laiapea about Tiina Rekand, teacher of Estonian language in Crimean Aleksandrovka school and Rita Kuusk-Kadilkina, a Crimean-Estonian woman who has provided temporary home for teachers from Estonia.
Missikonkursil Miss Vaimukad 2007 asuvad võistlustulle vaimupuudega neiud-naised, omamoodi ilusad ja õnnelikud inimesed.
Heart-warming documentary directed by Vahur Laiapea about his mother who is oppressed by the pain of loss and fear of loneliness.
Documentary about the original world of Tanel Koppen, a man from Viru county, Estonia.
The documentary tells about the life of a young woman and her four children in a small room in a social house during five months.
Expedition by filmmakers Andres Maimik and Jaak Kilmi to the hidden world of violence where the victims are children.
Futuristic vision with the touch of absurd about the Estonian people's possibilities to survive.
Short film directed by Peeter Simm is inspired by a shipwreck that took place near Sõrve Peninsula, Deember 1994.
Forms are being filled in at the Lithuanian Community Information Bureau in Toronto, also operational information about the tragic events in Vilnius in 1991 is given.
Portrait documentary directed by Raivo Suviste about academician Andrey Sakharov, Nobel Prize laureate.
Problems of a single person in the Soviet Estonia.
Documentary about the olympic medalists Aavo Pikkuus, Ivar Stukolkin, Jaak Uudmäe and Viljar Loor at the Summer Olypic Games in Moscow 1980.
The married writers' couple Enn ja Helga Nõu spend time with their children in their hometown Uppsala and in near surroundings from the Midsummer Day 1969 to Walpurgis Night 1970.
Heartfelt documentary about the island of Vaindloo and its six residents.
Amateur music ensemble "Meloodia" performing in the national TV. Members of the ensemble at their daily activities.