The story of environmental protection of Kunda Bay in 1992–1993.
"Stromka" is an observing condition-film which focuses on the peaceful rhythm of the diverse Stroomi beach, including it's captivating nature and colorful inhabitants.
People of Kihnu island fifty years ago and in the year of 2014.
The diversity of Estonian landscapes is like a unique patchwork quilt. It is loved by local fauna and is a part of the Estonian genetic code.
Documentary directed by Jaak Kilmi about Lucavsala (Lutsusaar) in the heart of Riga, Latvia and about the battle of the local gardening cooperative for existence.
The documentary introduces writer Arvo Valton and meetings with him in 2008-2014.
Riho Västrik portrays Lake Ülemiste as a source of drinking water and a valuable natural environment.
The project of protecting and restoring endangered species in North-West of Estonia was the initiative of European Union Life-Nature Programme.
Portrait documentary directed by Rein Raamat about Evi Tihemets, an outstanding graphic artist.
Documentary about Estonia where its beautiful nature and locations are enriched by interesting facts, connections, beliefs and legends.
Documentary about the lighthouse keeper on Vilsandi island, maritime issues, nature and human destinies.
The basis for the dynamic community of the European Union is the harmonization of certain rules. This applies to preservation of nature as well, and thus we hear more and more about the mysterious Natura 2000. Natura 2000 is a Europe-wide network of nature preserves, consisting of bird preserves and nature preserves. A large part of the existing preserves in Estonia fit surprisingly easily into Natura 2000. The film shows the types of habitats in western Estonia, because it was here that the pilot project for Natura 2000 was launched. This land is many thousands of years younger than the inland – even now the earth’s crust is rising here and the land being born from the ocean – Terra Maritima – has a thousand faces. In addition to the coastline, the film introduces various types of meadows - all very valuable habitats.
Documentary directed by Andres Sööt has recorded the years of 1996 and 1997 as a continuation to the earlier annual film chronicles "Year of the Dragon" and "Year of the Horse".
The film directed by Helle Karis is based on the fairy tale "Wild Swans" by Hans Christian Andersen, telling the story of princess Elise who is determined to save her bewitched brothers with the power of love.
The drama based on the ballad of prose "The Pastor of Reigi" by Finnish-Estonian writer Aino Kallas depicts the conflict between the dogmatic philosophies, humanity and love.
Scout camp "Metsakodu" of expatriate Estonians in Sweden, summer of 1975.
Metsakodu scout camp in Sweden celebrates its 20th anniversary.
Poetical documentary by Arnold Altmäe about the idle winter period in fishermen's lives and the human yearning for a real profession.
Achievements of the Soviet Estonia in various fields of economy and science, in education and culture. Lifestyle characteristic of that era.
Trips of the Estonian National Male Choir, founded in Stockholm in 1944, both in homeland and abroad in 1967-1970.
Married writers' couple Enn and Helga Nõu spend time with their small children in Skansen Zoo, Stockholm.