A team of young of engineering students race against time to build the world's fastest formula student car,
A documentary film about a composer Tõnu Kõrvits, his music and the people who are deeply touched by his music.
Life finds a way.
Six-year-old Leelo’s mother is deported to a Siberian prison camp during Stalinist repressions. The little girl tries to be as good as she can in the belief that this will bring her mother back home.
Georgian environmental activist Dato Chipashvili fights against hundred million investment projects putting the interests of local people and transparency first.
Vahur Laiapea has recorded Estonians' projects in Afghan and the local life.
Motorcycle policemen are observing the drivers exceeding the speed limit on the roads.
The story of degradation of the legendary Tallinn Linnahall from the point of view of a man together with his own story of life.
A witty and insightful portrait film by Kullar Viimne speaks not only of the clash of civilizations and the everlasting conflict of idealism and inevitability but also sympathizes with the hardships of one small Estonian girl in a big world.
In two years she changed from a Playboy cover model into a child of nature.
Twin brothers from a small town have courage and ability to dream.
Filmmaker Manfred Vainokivi portrays physics teacher Mart Kuurme teaches physics and astronomy to children in Africa.
Portrait documentary directed by Heini Drui about Raivo Hein, a successful internet businessman, astrophotographer, adventurer and traveler.
Director Vahur Laiapea follows the birth of dance performance "Plexus" with the following participants: a stage director, two professional dancers and a young bling woman.
The owner of a small dairy farm holds old-fashion cow keeping in esteem and goes to sell milk himself.
Leida Rammo, Estonian oldest performing actress, believes in miracles and passionately fights for the new building of Tallinn City Theatre.
The film introduces the daily activities and creative work of the last year in artist Jaan Paavle's life, including his beliefs, attitudes and contradictions with the society.
Two enthusiastic Estonians try to become grape farmers while adjusting the grape plants to the local Northern climate and developing the vineyard culture.
Two grand old masters, artists Evald Okas and photographer Kalju Suur, are recording the beauty of a naked woman.
Documentary by Peeter Brambat about architect Toomas Rein.
A young woman becomes a school teacher and discovers life in a small island of Ruhnu.
Documentary about Igor Tõnurist, activist of Estonian folklore movement.
The Klamath River of Oregon and California is one of the most important salmon runs in the United States.
The documentary tells about the life of a young woman and her four children in a small room in a social house during five months.
The documentary takes the viewer into the back stage of professional sports world including its hidden aspects while following judo athlete Alexei Budolin.
Eurobus is driving around Estonia with people on board who give information about the European Union.
Rein Mikke, born as an Estonian citizen, was adopted by Russian parents in 1950s. Now he is trying to overcome bureaucratic obstacles and restore his Estonian citizenship and related rights.
Marina Kuvaitseva, a proud and independent woman in Narva, leads a folklore ensemble where lonely and educated women sing.
For artist Nikolai Kormashov restoring icons forms a deep, enriching and happy part of his life.
Two blind men want to live a full life despite of their disability and help others.
Portrait documentary about cameraman Semyon Shkolnikov and the Soviet era that he filmed.
Documentary by Marko Raat about the wooden architecture of a city and about the possibility of preservation of such heritage in contemporary living environment.
Expedition by filmmakers Andres Maimik and Jaak Kilmi to the hidden world of violence where the victims are children.
Documentary shows the daily life of philosopher Arnold von Keyserling and his wife Wilhelmine in Vienna - life full of astrology, Eastern philosophy, shamanism and mysticism.
Debut documentary by Liivo Niglas about a French family growing goats and making goat cheese.
Film introducing the culture life of expatriate Estonians in Adelaide and the nature of Southern Australia.