Architect Raul Vaiksoo marches on the fringes of blindness and genius, twisting the rules, blessing the digital world and enjoying the hustle and bustle of life.
Two special agents are tasked with protecting the computer programme that runs a future metropolis. However, the ‘Soviet Union’ virus soon starts wreaking havoc. A delirious ride!
Little Aleksander Remek together with his filmmaker dad discover the world of the ancient River Emajõgi (Mother River in Estonian).
People of Kihnu island fifty years ago and in the year of 2014.
The Klamath River of Oregon and California is one of the most important salmon runs in the United States.
The adventure film directed by Hardi Volmer tells about the alcohol smuggling between Estonia and Finland in 1920s. The story is made contemporary through depicting the corrupted authorities.
Documentary about the blue-black-white summer in Pärnu, about the sewers and the E. coli bacteria in the sea water where swimming is forbidden.
Documentary by Peep Puks based on Estonian national identity and culture.
Documentary on problematic issues directed by Märt Müür whose film tells a story about diligent and successful heads of collective farm and how the Soviet system has unjustly harassed them, found them guilty and punished them.
Arvi Kibuspuu, the only boatmaster of collective farm "Hiiu Kalur", builds a new boat.
Laine and Liia Nõu's trip to Sri Lanka from December 31st 1980 to January 15th 1981. Views of the hotel, the river trip in the jungle, sunset on the beach, at the airport.
Karin Saarsen in the Nõu family's boat on Lake Ekoln on June 8, 1975.
The married writers' couple Enn and Helga Nõu with their children in their hometown Uppsala and in other beautiful places in Sweden in December 1970 and in spring of 1971. Christmas time, spring in the Fiby primeval forest reserve. The family's new motorboat.
Cinematographer Vladimir Maak together with Estonian natural scientists went to an expedition to Ussuri and created a documentary with the materials recorded during the trip.
Beautiful places in Estonian nature.