excerpts from chronicle films

    Matches: 13
    • This job is full of shit, but somebody has to do it!

    • The series open the viewer to the current state of Estonian forests and shows how political decisions have affected the use of the common property. The series also offers solutions to move out of the deadlock of the debate and directs attention to the information that has been buried under the messages of controlled communication in the information noise of the forest war.

    • An ode to a faded jewel in the heart of the Estonian capital – Tallinn Hippodrome. Once a majestic racecourse track, all that is left is a lonely horse stable. Today it has become a social club for bizarre parties, engagement photo sessions and a home for young girls and old men taking care of the remaining racehorses.

    • Documentary directed by Heli Speek about cleric Harald Meri and the murder story of his housemaid in April 1990.

    • Portrait documentary about freedom fighter Mart Niklus, his "guilt", years of imprisonment and beliefs.

    • Documentary by Vello Kallaste about Hans Kruus, a historian and politician with colourful destiny, in the turmoil of historical events.

    • Documentary on problematic issues directed by Märt Müür whose film tells a story about diligent and successful heads of collective farm and how the Soviet system has unjustly harassed them, found them guilty and punished them.

    • Portrait documentary about Juhan Väljaots who actively took part in local workers' movements while living in Bulgaria.

    • Documentary based on a novel by Juhan Smuul.

    • Academician Harald Haberman tells about his contacts with Toompea Castle during the Republic of Estonia and the Soviet times.