How are You?
A Mother and daughter, searching for an answer to what could be the fuel for life in a small country Estonia. One of them grows Nettle, the other one is a famous youtuber.
To create a new, you have to give up the old. As a result of the dust, physical and dirty work of construction workers the building of the former textile factory Rauaniit gives birth to a modern Art Academy.
Observational documentary about Grand Piano Manufacturing.
An emotional documentary about life in a small Estonian town during 100 years.
Estonian activists, businesswomen and volunteers decided to support one village in Northern Ghana while bringing together the handicraft skills of Ghanaians, enterprisingness of Estonians and Western market. So it turned out that the baskets woven by Ghanaian village women would sell in Estonia and the butter produced from shea nut growing in African savannas would find buyers in USA.