Herbert dreamed to see a sea in his window, but…
There is no triangle without corners. There is no direction without a triangle. There is no movement without a direction.
What does a hundred-year old film strip see before it gives way to digital vehicles?
Once upon a time, there lived a man who had nothing besides himself. And a dream, a great big dream. But an immense and dangerous sheet of water spread out between him and his dream. The man set out. He arrived at his destination due to his courage and tenacity. But was that what he had been searching for?
Our body remembers more than we can expect and imagine.
The telecommunication between the wolf and humans leads to a situation where the law of gravity changes to the unknown.
Lonely and hopeless man discoveres in himself an ability to fall in love. His beloved is the same kind of outcast of the society as himself. Together they are trying to escape from the roles and predictedness imposed and will try to find a way to a new and happy life.
Miriam takes the blame on herself instead of little brother. Little brother cannot bear it and admits his guilt. But finally the hen has to confess that she was behind it all.
There is a mortally wounded young soldier in a crater and a bunch of hungry rats from the battlefield try to find an answer to the question "Who is Lily Marleen?".
A woman tries to remember the highlights of her life, or maybe dreams about them.
Snowman’s dream has been fullfilled: he is non-meltable and can finally see the summer!
At bedtime, Sandman Mati's footprints appear from nowhere on the sand. The Master of Dreams spreads the dreamsand in co-operation with Pillow Katis.
Children and an old stream locomotive discover each other - this leads to the joy of discovery and flights of fantasy for all.
Miriam, the Hen and Little Brother watch a performance of Little Red Riding Hood. They are emotionally involved in everything, especially fearing the appearance of the wolf...
The heroes of the film are three bear cubs from the cult painting by Ivan Shishkin “Morning in a Pine Forest”.
“The Stories of Jippos Happy the Hippo” is a tale about a young independent hippopotamus, who lives in Finland but comes to Estonia to visit his brother Pippos.
What happens when the Maker loses controle over his creation and it starts to obay it's own will. .
It is the story about a fox that goes to heaven to visit her uncle, and gets cruelly cast down.
A fairytale about the mice and the raven, which is stronger and which is cleverer.
It is an absolutely wonderful Barbiland, made of plastic and safe.
Miriam's hen is brave and becomes the hero of the day...
While Father and Mother are outside, Miriam, Little Brother and Hen start playing hide-and-seek.
Miriam, her little brother and the Hen are watching swimming ducks on TV.
Snowman with a carrot nose is escaping from the Hare to the theatre.
Multiplying the existing point of view the actual oneness seems changes to unevenness.
Dialogos is an experimental animated film, where all the visual material of the film is drawn directly onto the film stock. The film is founded on absurd humour. The theme of the film is contemporary high-tech society, where too many sign systems exist.