The main character, leaving a prison, goes to the hotel and faces with his hated mother.
MUTE is a short story written by Stephen King. Through Steven King’s “Dollar Baby Program” the director Pablo Knappe Rodriguez was able to secure the non profit rights for a short film adaptation.
In an episode of the TV series, a married couple has a heated argument that turns violent. Antoni leaves the room after hitting Larissa. The maid Agnieszka, who overheard the altercation, takes a moment and decides to enter the room.
Baby gets lost at a wedding party.
The comedy film is about self-acceptance and looks at this process through the eyes of a hotel cleaner.
On Spain’s Costa del Sol a Finnish family abandoned by a crime boss take their own back by stealing the haul of a major heist.
Dora Lall's graduation film about love and letting go despite it.
Music, that Shazam doesn’t know and Spotify can’t find.
As a train weaves its way up to the arctic circle, two strangers share a journey that will change their perspective on life.
Psychological drama about abusive relationships. Ingmar is a narcissist who can't cope being abandoned by his girlfriend. Unable to stand alone he goes out to hunt another victim and repeats the cycle of emotional abuse to feed his need for validation but this time thing will go wrong.
Young startup entrepreneur Õie and a serial failure Tõnu follow their crazy ride from Estonia all the way to Silicon Valley — and back.
Three people, who meet at a wayside hotel one stormy night, seem to share both past and future.
This is the story of the last genuine rock star and poet, of his work, and of the anatomy of a punk band.
The Estonian film group needed help from higher forces in Buryatia.
This road movie is about life. It is loosely based on the adventures of real Eastern European university students selling books door to door in United States.
It's an arhitecture short film about Hedon Spa.
Janar Aronija’s short film tells the story of a back ache so strong that one point it needs to crack.
A short promotion clip for Estonian Restoraunt and Hotel Association.
The romantic comedy directed by Andri Luup tells the story of a Finnish man and an Estonian woman who find each other despite of hardships.
The tragicomedy directed by Roman Baskin is based on the play "The Visit" by Friedrich Dürrenmatt ("Der Besuch der Alten Dame", 1956). Excellent choice of Estonian actors and actresses can be seen in the roles, starring Ita Ever and Aarne Üksküla.
Documentary about Estonia where its beautiful nature and locations are enriched by interesting facts, connections, beliefs and legends.
Famous conductor returns to homeland in order to celebrate his 50th birthday, however, the power of money will prevail.
Short film by Marko Raat about the power games between two women in a hotel suite.
Documentary commissioned by Nõmme city district government about the former independent garden suburb - Nõmme.
And at some point, the only hope that remains is - the Night of the Carrots.
The feature film is an Estonian-Polish co-production directed by Polish filmmaker Marek Piestrak. It tells about the struggle against an evil conspiracy in Estonia in August 1939.
The psychological thriller directed by Peeter Urbla is based on the well-known novel "The Lady in the Car With Glasses and a Gun" by S. Japrisot.
Views to the city of Tallinn from the window of Hotel Olümpia, Tallinn. Filmed by Enn and Helga Nõu who visit their homeland on March 27, 1989.
The events of the film directed by Peeter Urbla take place in precapitalist Tallinn, among people who try to find their hearth and home.
The fantasy thriller directed by Polish filmmaker Marek Piestrak is the second Estonian-Polish co-production after the blockbuster "Tales the Pirx of Pilot" that was filmed in Vietnam, Ukraine, Poland and Estonia and has been called the Eastern European version of Indiana Jones.
The film directed by Valentin Kuik is based on a true story about the life of Georg Lurich, famous Estonian wrestler, focusing on the scandalous theft of the collection of his prizes during the wrestling tournament in Tallinn in 1910.
Laine and Liia Nõu's trip to Sri Lanka from December 31st 1980 to January 15th 1981. Views of the hotel, the river trip in the jungle, sunset on the beach, at the airport.
Popular tourist cities in Morocco - Agadir and Marrakesh.
10th Conference of International Anti-Communist League (WACL) in Taipei City in April 1977. The delegates are taken around to see Taiwan.
8th Conference of the World Anti-Communist League, life in Rio de Janerio, a city by ocean.
The trip around the world in 1966 includes Kolkata in India, Bangkok in Thailand, Hongkong, Taiwan, South-Korea, Tokyo, Hawaii, cities in USA and Montreal in Canada.