The series open the viewer to the current state of Estonian forests and shows how political decisions have affected the use of the common property. The series also offers solutions to move out of the deadlock of the debate and directs attention to the information that has been buried under the messages of controlled communication in the information noise of the forest war.
The series open the viewer to the current state of Estonian forests and shows how political decisions have affected the use of the common property. The series also offers solutions to move out of the deadlock of the debate and directs attention to the information that has been buried under the messages of controlled communication in the information noise of the forest war.
The series open the viewer to the current state of Estonian forests and shows how political decisions have affected the use of the common property. The series also offers solutions to move out of the deadlock of the debate and directs attention to the information that has been buried under the messages of controlled communication in the information noise of the forest war.
The series open the viewer to the current state of Estonian forests and shows how political decisions have affected the use of the common property. The series also offers solutions to move out of the deadlock of the debate and directs attention to the information that has been buried under the messages of controlled communication in the information noise of the forest war.
Paradise is not just given. Paradise must be fought for.
The documentary is a reflection on identity with the outset in a nine-storey residential building. We meet a number of people living in architectural identical living rooms, all coloured in their own specific personalities.
A sincere and heartfelt view of the soul of a lonely man who, despite his frustrations and advanced age, is still waiting for a companion in his life to be with, and who through complex internal struggles finds the strength to warm up his relationship with his daughter.
Three teenagers get caught up in an intense triangle and are taken over by instincts that are out of their control.
There's a crack on the same course!
Sometimes you need to be reborn to understand that death is not the end of life. A film about the love of a mother and her children - nothing can separate them, not even death.
It is impossible for a man who has been in the war to forget what he experienced. Again and again the past catches up with him. Even in his dreams. The only way to face your demons is to make fun of them.
Matiss is way too young to be suddenly left to care for his partner’s nine-year-old daughter. A responsibility like this reveals Matiss’ true nature, inner demons and a lack of relationships based on pure love.
An intimate documentary about the internationally renowned Estonian musician, saxophone player and improvisational jazz composer Maria Faust.
Estonian well known writer Mehis Heinsaar has seven encounters during his journey in the wilderness, which will open to the viewer the magical inner world of the writer.
A stoic man living in seclusion, reluctant to let go of his past is reminded why.
The sounds of gently breaking waves or fluttering insect’s wings are telling the story of our roots long before human footprints were first left on Baltic beaches.
War is a story about a fighter for “peace”, who after having returned from a mission could not come to terms with his life anymore, with the life between the present and the eternity. The documentary was filmed in Afghanistan and Australia.
A love affair between Birdman and Snakewoman.
Aleksander, an old gentleman, maintains a blooming garden surrounding his old house in a sleepy resort town. Karl, his grandson, spends the summer with him and learns about the ways of the nature.
The story of degradation of the legendary Tallinn Linnahall from the point of view of a man together with his own story of life.
Has betrayal in Soviet time become an act of heroism of modern times?
Twin brothers from a small town have courage and ability to dream.
Two lonely young people are travelling together in the bleak Patagonian desert, searching for themselves and one another.
Isiklik ja intiimne lugu Jeruusalemmas asuvast Õlimäe kloostrist ja erakordse elusaatusega eestlannast, nunn ema Ksenijast. Heilika Pikkov’s feature length creative documentary „Flowers from the Mount of Olives“ was shot within two years at The Mount of Olives Convent of the Ascension of Our Lord in Jerusalem.
Documentary about the girls' school of Charikar town in Parwan province, Afghanistan and about their students and the students' mothers who tell their good and bad experiences of life.
Documentary about Father Jevgeni and the people around him in Pechory, Russia.
Galina Grossmann is an exceptional woman who paints Jesus, composes an opera about Jesus and performs the musical work with the influences of Estonian folklore to the residents of a retirement home.
The documentary introduces wedding traditions and rites in Kihnu island, Estonia.
Engagement according to the traditions and customs of Kihnu island, Estonia. The documentary introduces the engagement rites in their most natural environment.
Maiju Ingman's drama about loneliness, love, childhood memories and vanishing village life.
Eric and his world.
The first full-length feature film directed by Toomas Verrev who experiments with scarce resources while trying to uncover human soul from a fresh point of view.
Documentary about Igor Tõnurist, activist of Estonian folklore movement.
The Klamath River of Oregon and California is one of the most important salmon runs in the United States.
Debut film of director Veiko Õunpuu, based on the short story of the same title by Mati Unt.
Rein Mikke, born as an Estonian citizen, was adopted by Russian parents in 1950s. Now he is trying to overcome bureaucratic obstacles and restore his Estonian citizenship and related rights.
The debut film by director Elmo Nüganen is based on the novel "Names in Marble" by Albert Kivikas. The film is a patriotic war drama telling the story of schoolboys in the Estonian War of Independence and of the days and nights of these young volunteer fighters. The film is full of dangers, challenges, pain and exaltation, entwined by a beautiful story of young love.
Seven actors from the amateur theatre in Tabivere are people with different backgrounds who have accepted the painful setbacks in their lives and don't need much to feel happy.