Where have the Estonian forests gone?
The series open the viewer to the current state of Estonian forests and shows how political decisions have affected the use of the common property. The series also offers solutions to move out of the deadlock of the debate and directs attention to the information that has been buried under the messages of controlled communication in the information noise of the forest war.
A documentary about a woman's journey along the future route corridor of the Rail Baltic railway. While trying to broadcast live from the 213km long route, the artist Hanna Samoson meets people on her way whose lives will be inextricably linked with the future railway.
Captain Fyodor Volkonogov, a well-respected and obedient USSR law enforcer, witnesses his peers being suspiciously questioned. Sensing his turn is approaching, he escapes and is soon on the run, hunted by his former colleagues. Vulnerable and hopeless, Fyodor comes to realize what he had been part of, and that repentance is the only way for him to escape the eternal torment of Hell. But time is running out and the manhunt is closing in on him...
A lonely office worker saves up to buy a new coat at Christmas in an effort to make new friends, only for fate take a ghostly hand.
Two managers Adolf and Rudolf solve the problem that threatens to ruin the company.
Documentary by Artur Talvik and Peeter Vihma about the development and growth of civil society in Estonia.
Leida Rammo, Estonian oldest performing actress, believes in miracles and passionately fights for the new building of Tallinn City Theatre.
Film director Valentin Kuik portrays sculptor Tauno Kangro and his efforts in order to erect his monumental sculpture "Kalevipoeg" in the Gulf of Tallinn.
Documentary directed by Vahur Laiapea about Tiina Rekand, teacher of Estonian language in Crimean Aleksandrovka school and Rita Kuusk-Kadilkina, a Crimean-Estonian woman who has provided temporary home for teachers from Estonia.
The short film tells a story about two old men, city officials, who take action in fighting against illegal fishing. This will change their life forever.
Travel documentary by Kullar Viimne filmed in Europe in search of himself and God.
Rein Mikke, born as an Estonian citizen, was adopted by Russian parents in 1950s. Now he is trying to overcome bureaucratic obstacles and restore his Estonian citizenship and related rights.
Documentary by Marko Raat about the wooden architecture of a city and about the possibility of preservation of such heritage in contemporary living environment.
Documentary directed by Mark Soosaar about the island of Kihnu, its residents and the social problems of the local society.
Satire, that ridicules the unreasoned and unpractical planning.
Expatriate Swedes leave Estonia in August 1944. Life of Estonians in Mölle Refugee Centre, Sweden in 1945.