Kasseti "Ootamatu vabadus" filme ühendavaks jooneks on VABADUS. BFMi režii õppetooli juht Jüri Sillart on öelnud, et: „Vabaduse koorem on tegelikult see kõige raskem koorem kanda“. Seda kinnitasid omalt poolt ka tudengid. Erinevate võttekohtade, interjööri ja eksterjööri kokkusulatamine osutus keerukamaks kui võis arvata. (http://www.elu24.ee/325573/kino-soprus-naitab-ninjasid-seksi-ja-kontorihuumorit (13.09.2011)
Autorite kommentaarid filmile: http://www.veengle.com/s/Eik%20Tammem%C3%A4e.html (21.09.2011)
Sünopsis inglise keeles:
The story about a boy who does not have any friends. He has problems on the street, at school and at home. To escape the pressures of reality and depressive, he presents himself for a positive world in which his second, I can cope with everything, and is popular. Gradually, however, sits in stark reality and the fantasy world is intensifying. Soon the boy can no longer understand what is reality and what is fantasy. Social pressure, it will seamlessly emotional limbo. Misunderstandings, he goes public with a weapon of revenge against all injustice. He raises the gun and kills himself.
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