A boy accidentally turns himself into a car tire.
Deadbeat Igor-503 evades the cops detectors during a night of wild drinking.
A foreign figure decides over the destiny of one indigenous woman. Her scape is a dance that reveals what means to be displaced.
It's more than just feathers or a number of fingers... Is society ready to accept the other and his song..?
A connection between a boy, a horse and a bird shows the way for a majestic ride.
Herbert dreamed to see a sea in his window, but…
Father of a family went to carry out his refuse bin and found himself in some strange world,where striking things happened to him.
A modern man coming to grips with his own existence through the medium of tradition.
A brief encounter with a golden snake leads to an explosive beginning.
Nothing is constant but change. All existence is a perpetual flux of being and becoming (Ernst Haeckel).
Architecture Awakens! Animated magical realism, l´etat naturel!
Watchmaker controls the time, but the mouse living in the watchmaker's workshop controls the clocks... This is a film about time and its ephemeral nature.
Fairytale full of light, magic and nostalgia.
There is no triangle without corners. There is no direction without a triangle. There is no movement without a direction.
The hen enjoys playing around with kites.
A woman tries to remember the highlights of her life, or maybe dreams about them.
“Happy Birthday” is an outlook vision about the duel between the bible hero Jesus and a man-made robot.
A young and strong human body is mother nature’s piece of art.
Miriam is in the kitchen, making a milkshake with the food processor.
On one totally ordinary warm summer night the residents of a totally ordinary apartment house happen to gather in the yard. A citizen of questionable motives takes advantage of the situation and the ending of course is quite expectable.
Human beeing is the slave of his imagination.
Little brother falls ill and gets all of the attention and care of the rest of the family.
A miller lives in a watermill, baking bread every day and raising ducklings he is hoping to set free one day. But in the field next to his home, hunters come to shoot birds.
Once upon a time, there lived a man who had nothing besides himself. And a dream, a great big dream. But an immense and dangerous sheet of water spread out between him and his dream. The man set out. He arrived at his destination due to his courage and tenacity. But was that what he had been searching for?
There is no triangle without corners. There is no direction without a triangle. There is no movement without a direction.
Our body remembers more than we can expect and imagine.
Karl is tired of the heavy burden of fame that oppresses him and he decides to liberate himself from it. He returns to life among so called ordinary people, after which he crosses paths with fame-seeking Marilyn. Ordinary Karl is the force that turns Marilyn into an idol of the masses. But not for long…
Two American secret agents - Frank and Wendy - are sent to the world's hotbed of danger, known as Estonia. Their well-earned vacation in the homeland is taken away from Frank and Wendy.
Two American secret agents - Frank and Wendy - are sent to the world's hotbed of danger, known as Estonia. Estonia launches a personal ecologically clean satellite into space, evoking the justified displeasure of their American allies.
Two American secret agents - Frank and Wendy - are sent to the world's hotbed of danger, known as Estonia. Frank discovers an underground sausage factory in Estonia run by Nazi dwarfs.
A dramatic story about love, locked doors, an unsightly thief, a wounded stork, a lost laptop, and the virtual prostitutes the O’Key sisters... Gabriella Ferri is not in the film, but it almost has a happy ending.
Two American secret agents - Frank and Wendy - are sent to the world's hotbed of danger, known as Estonia.
Two American secret agents - Frank and Wendy - are sent to the world's hotbed of danger, known as Estonia. A premonition of cannibalism is in the snowfall of the constantly wintry Wiru Street.
The telecommunication between the wolf and humans leads to a situation where the law of gravity changes to the unknown.
Two American secret agents - Frank and Wendy - are sent to the world's hotbed of danger, known as Estonia. The Nazi dwarfs and international gene manipulators join forces and develop an irresistible marketing strategy.
Two American secret agents - Frank and Wendy - are sent to the world's hotbed of danger, known as Estonia. Martians are hanging the laundry out to dry. Yet who is drying Wendy’s underpants?
Lonely and hopeless man discoveres in himself an ability to fall in love. His beloved is the same kind of outcast of the society as himself. Together they are trying to escape from the roles and predictedness imposed and will try to find a way to a new and happy life.
The prospect isn't good: situation seems like jail, porridge bowl bottomless and time is running out. An unexpected discovery changes it all though.
Two American secret agents - Frank and Wendy - are sent to the world's hotbed of danger, known as Estonia. This time the blow is planned from someone named Antonio and his deadly suitcase.
Four short tales with regular nails as main charracters. Several human strains get ridiuled through the relations between nails.
Miriam takes the blame on herself instead of little brother. Little brother cannot bear it and admits his guilt. But finally the hen has to confess that she was behind it all.
There is a mortally wounded young soldier in a crater and a bunch of hungry rats from the battlefield try to find an answer to the question "Who is Lily Marleen?".
The story of a former opera star who must by the will of Fate work as a Crocodile.
The heroes of the film are three bear cubs from the cult painting by Ivan Shishkin “Morning in a Pine Forest”.
Vivat, crescat, floreat vagina!
What happens when the Maker loses controle over his creation and it starts to obay it's own will. .
Miriam finds old photos. While waching them she actually starts seeing all the world around her in black and white.
It is the story about a fox that goes to heaven to visit her uncle, and gets cruelly cast down.
A woman tries to remember the highlights of her life, or maybe dreams about them.
“Having Soul” is the story of a little boy and his big dream – toy soldiers with souls, who would close their eyes, when dying.
This story is about a young man, who want's to go behind the horizon...
One night weird figures gather on the Karahundzhi Plateau. They are the figures of God created by Man in different times and cultures. According to Tibetan monks, writing down all the names of God will bring about the end of the world.
Snowman’s dream has been fullfilled: he is non-meltable and can finally see the summer!
I'll come, I'll get some experiences, I'll choose, I'll make mistake, I'll die, I'll come.
Dialogos is an experimental animated film, where all the visual material of the film is drawn directly onto the film stock. The film is founded on absurd humour. The theme of the film is contemporary high-tech society, where too many sign systems exist.
Miriam, the Hen and Little Brother watch a performance of Little Red Riding Hood. They are emotionally involved in everything, especially fearing the appearance of the wolf...
A small town is gripped with excitement in anticipation of the annual marathon. Instead of the starting shot, a bomb explodes.
A woman tries to remember the highlights of her life, or maybe dreams about them.
Two American secret agents - Frank and Wendy - are sent to the world's hotbed of danger, known as Estonia. Their well-earned vacation in the homeland is taken away from Frank and Wendy.
Two American secret agents - Frank and Wendy - are sent to the world's hotbed of danger, known as Estonia. Estonia launches a personal ecologically clean satellite into space, evoking the justified displeasure of their American allies.
The connection between love and food is examined in the film Taste of Life.
Two American secret agents - Frank and Wendy - are sent to the world's hotbed of danger, known as Estonia. Frank discovers an underground sausage factory in Estonia run by Nazi dwarfs.
Two American secret agents - Frank and Wendy - are sent to the world's hotbed of danger, known as Estonia.
Two American secret agents - Frank and Wendy - are sent to the world's hotbed of danger, known as Estonia. A premonition of cannibalism is in the snowfall of the constantly wintry Wiru Street.
A smart leader can keep the culture of his nation ingenous for a long time,but he is helpless against the interchange of genes.
Snowman with a carrot nose is escaping from the Hare to the theatre.
Two American secret agents - Frank and Wendy - are sent to the world's hotbed of danger, known as Estonia. The Nazi dwarfs and international gene manipulators join forces and develop an irresistible marketing strategy.
Two American secret agents - Frank and Wendy - are sent to the world's hotbed of danger, known as Estonia. Martians are hanging the laundry out to dry. Yet who is drying Wendy’s underpants?
At bedtime, Sandman Mati's footprints appear from nowhere on the sand. The Master of Dreams spreads the dreamsand in co-operation with Pillow Katis.
Two American secret agents - Frank and Wendy - are sent to the world's hotbed of danger, known as Estonia. This time the blow is planned from someone named Antonio and his deadly suitcase.
Vivat, crescat, floreat vagina!
Freedom is looking for a form to manifest itself. Allegoric story of Architect-Matchstickman – who helps to give the life for the new Generation...
The heroes of the film are three bear cubs from the cult painting by Ivan Shishkin “Morning in a Pine Forest”.
A fairytale about the mice and the raven, which is stronger and which is cleverer.