BFM meediaosakond: kursusetöö (MA)
What does it mean to be on stage? What does it mean to be part of a travelling theatre? How do wait for your three minutes? Du Bois is a character in Molière’s classical play Misanthrope, a character that simply goes on stage with the intention to leave, someone whom the spectator in the audience hardly remembers. Yet Du Bois has his own story to tell in a quiet and subtle way. And no part in a play, like no story, is ever too small.
Filmi režissöör: Rainar Aasrand
Tootjafirma | Balti Filmi- ja Meediakooli meediaosakond |
Teose liik | Tudengifilmid, Dokumentaalfilm |
Kestus: | 17:00 |